Province Makes Funding Agreement with Université de Moncton to Target Nursing Shortage
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The provincial government has entered into a 10-year funding agreement with the Université de Moncton to encourage increased enrollment in the bachelor of nursing program and reward the university for graduating nurses.
Under the agreement the university will receive up to $1.19 million each year for graduating nurses above a baseline of 126. The government will provide $35,000 for each graduate above this baseline, up to 160 per year, supporting up to 34 additional seats.
The agreement aligns with the enhancement of nursing education in New Brunswick action item as part of the Nursing Resources Strategy released in 2019. It is also in line with the auditor general’s 2019 recommendation that the department provide funding only after desired outcomes or targets have been achieved.
Over the ten years of the agreement, the university could receive up to $12 million.
The university must submit reports to the department each year validating the number of graduates above the baseline threshold and providing details on successes or barriers to meeting its goal.