Atlantic Premiers met yesterday to continue working together to better manage health care, address the impact of inflation on the region’s economy and identify opportunities to enhance energy security and self-sufficiency to meet the region’s long-term needs.

As Chair of the Council of Atlantic Premiers, Premier Tim Houston of Nova Scotia welcomed Premier Blaine Higgs of New Brunswick, Premier Dennis King of Prince Edward Island, and Premier Andrew Furey of Newfoundland and Labrador to Pictou, Nova Scotia.

Premiers noted a recent report by the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council shows the strength of the region’s economy, though labour shortages and affordability present significant challenges to residents and businesses. Premiers discussed ongoing supply chain interruptions due to global events, the impacts of climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic. These events are creating challenges for Atlantic Canadians in accessing affordable food and housing, as well as the impact of rising fuel costs. While global issues are contributing to these pressures, Premiers remain committed to addressing affordability, increasing the housing supply and improving food security for the region.

Premiers discussed moving forward with actions under the Atlantic Health Care Accord including engagement of Atlantic colleges responsible for physician licensing to work urgently to address the barriers facing the recruitment and retention of international health care workers, and to allow physicians to move seamlessly within the region.