Help spread Gods Message
Just about every Christian out there has listened to Christian radio stations at one time or another. No matter what kind of music you enjoy or where you live, Christian music can be a nice break from the other kinds of entertainment that are out there. Have you ever thought about how stations like LifeRadio pay the bills?
Christian radio stations are still the easiest way to find Christian music in your life.
Speaking of that car, we sure do spend a lot of time in it each week. Depending on where you live and what your job situation is like, you might spend three hours round trip getting to work each day. That’s a long time to be stuck in one place.
In the case of life Radio there are smartphone apps for listening, a website for streaming, and the good ole-fashioned radio in your car.

Since we know most people are listening to their radios, it’s a fair bet that most Christians also get their daily fix from Christian radio stations. That’s because these stations provide the only outlet for Christian music lovers to find encouraging, faith-filled music. It can be difficult to find family music for your daily commute, so these stations can be helpful for drivers with young passengers.
If you’ve been listening to Christian music for any amount of time, there’s a good chance that you have a list of artists whose work you really enjoy. Christian radio stations are the main outlet for acts like these to find an audience for their music. With so much of today’s entertainment focused on secular TV, movies, and music, stations like life Radio are one of the only outlets that Christian artists have to share what they do. If people don’t support these stations by listening or donating, we may not have as many great Christian bands around in the future.

Going back to what is actually played on the radio, music isn’t the only thing that this station offer listeners. Community support for family’s, support for food banks, food box programs, ministry work, children’s literacy programs. Anti-bullying campaigns, ministry shows to our youth in jail. The list goes on and on. Depending on which time of day you’re listening, you might find an expert sharing the Christian perspective on a hot button issue or hear a call-in show that helps people find counsel on a personal matter.
Life Radio plays an important part in Christian entertainment. As non-secular options grow and find their religious audience, we begin to develop a pop culture that is all our own. When it comes to living in the world but not of the world, it’s helpful to have an entertainment option where the whole family can safely enjoy music. This stations has long been available for Christians to find new music or just a friendly voice for the ride to work.
There are many reasons why Christians are called to be generous, but one of the main ideas is that we shouldn’t be overly attached to the things of this world. If we see our every resource as a gift from God that He can use as He wishes, we’re more inclined to part ways with them if it means helping others.You may be thinking at this point, “I understand taking care of the poor and helpless, but how does that translate to Christian radio stations?” There are many charities and other groups out there needing contributions as well, so it’s a fair question. At the end of the day, no one is asking you to prioritize one cause over another or anything like that. Where you give your money is between you and God. Do what you feel is right by Him. We are doing our best to help raise the awareness that moving towards God makes the world better for all of us.
In fact, Jesus even says in Matthew 25 that whatever we do for those in need, we are doing for Him.The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:37-40

If you’re a fan of Christian music, then help life Radio with your support. Make a difference by supporting Christian music. When you make a donation to help keep our station keep going we would love to give you a mug or water bottle let us know which one you like and you can pick it up at the station. This is a great way to show your support of the station to others. Every donation helps us keep doing good work in our community. Its your station your voice. The positive voice.