The provincial and federal governments have signed an agreement to improve care for residents of New Brunswick’s long-term care homes through the Safe Long-Term Care Fund.

The announcement was made in Dalhousie by Social Development Minister Bruce Fitch and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Through this agreement, the federal government will provide more than $22 million to support long-term care facilities throughout the province.

Fitch said “New Brunswick’s network of long-term care facilities plays a key role in providing high-quality care for the province's aging population. For the past two years, long-term care workers have been dedicated in keeping residents of our nursing homes and special care homes safe from COVID-19. In partnership with the federal government, we plan to continue improving the quality of care in New Brunswick’s nursing homes.”

The funding will help the provincial government with costs associated with preventing outbreaks of the virus in these facilities. It will also help the government renovate or upgrade heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in some older buildings.

Trudeau said “All Canadians should have access to the safe, quality health care they need and deserve. This agreement is good news for New Brunswickers, and we will continue to work with all provinces and territories to help ensure everyone, no matter where they live in Canada, has access to the health care they deserve, including safe long-term care.”