Legislation has been introduced that aims to give the New Brunswick Museum’s board of directors the authority to manage the design and construction of the museum’s new home in Saint John.

The amendments to the New Brunswick Museum Act would allow the board to direct all aspects of the museum’s management, renovations, maintenance and construction. The board would also be required to meet all standards necessary to remain eligible for provincial and federal funding, as well as any trade agreements.

The New Brunswick Museum is a Crown agency administered by a board of directors.

As part of the project, an interim collections and research centre will open on Lancaster Avenue next year. The interim facility will be available to the public, by appointment, while a permanent exhibition and collections centre is built.

More than $8 million was allocated by the provincial and federal governments earlier this year to support planning work for the museum’s new home.

The museum’s online store continues to operate, and a new boutique will open in Brunswick Square on Saturday, Nov. 19.