Voters will find a bright yellow envelope from Elections New Brunswick in their mailbox this week.

In advance of the Nov. 28 local government elections, Elections New Brunswick is asking people to call them if the names of voters identified as living at their address are inaccurate or need updating.

Chief Electoral Officer Kim Poffenroth said “We are sending these envelopes to every household in the province, including those not participating in an election in November, to improve the accuracy of our voter’s list. Having an up-to-date voters list allows our officers to process voters more efficiently at polling stations in future elections.”

Voters living in areas of the province that will be participating in the fall elections will find an additional flyer in their envelope with details on the process involved in becoming a candidate.

Elections New Brunswick opened its call centre to allow people to update their voter information or ask other questions about the November elections. The call centre will be open Monday to Saturday and can be reached at 1-888-858-8683 (VOTE).