A new plan unveiled by the provincial government maps out $1.13 billion in investments in the province’s roads, bridges and culverts over the next three years.
The Road Ahead is a three-year capital investment plan that outlines how the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure will build, repair and maintain the province’s transportation network. It identifies which projects are planned and for when as well as the overall expected investments.
Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Jill Green said “This plan demonstrates how the department is enhancing the management of our current infrastructure and how we interact with the public. With the third highest amount of surfaced roads per capita in Canada, this plan is the only sustainable path forward.”
The plan includes several projects in the area, including the Anderson Bridge replacement, replacing the concrete section of Route 8 near Miramichi with asphalt, and extensive chipseal, grading, and asphalt work on Route 420 in Sillikers and Metepenagiag First Nation.
Visit the provincial government's website for a new online interactive viewer tool to see what projects are planned in each area of the province.