Rapid-Testing Program Now Underway in N.B. Schools
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The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has collaborated with Public Health to develop a new rapid-testing program for schools to help minimize disruptions to learning due to COVID-19 outbreaks.
Unvaccinated students who are identified as a close contact of a confirmed case may be provided with quantities of five-pack rapid tests, depending on the last possible exposure date to the confirmed case, along with instructions. Tests will be picked up by parents the following day, depending upon when the school is notified of a confirmed case.
Students with two negative tests and no symptoms will be able to return to the classroom after as little as 24 hours of self-isolation, unless otherwise advised by Public Health. They will be required to continue testing daily until the end of the period, as prescribed by Public Health, to continue attending school.
Students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, must stay home and get a PCR test through Public Health if they have even one symptom.
Students who are vaccinated or are participating in rapid testing who have no symptoms may also continue to engage in extracurricular activities as they regularly would.