The area in which the Red level applies in Zone 4 (Edmundston region) has been extended. Saint-Léonard, Grand Falls, Drummond, New Denmark and Four Falls are now included along with the previously indicated areas of Edmundston and the upper Madawaska region.

Updated map of Zone 4 Red Level Circuit Breaker

Public Health made the recommendation to the all-party cabinet committee on COVID-19 and to cabinet to extend the area in which the Red level applies, with the exception of the Saint-Quentin and Kedgwick regions, based on the confirmed presence of the more contagious variants of COVID-19 along with the possibility of community transmission.

A total of 3,335 asymptomatic individuals were screened over a two-day period, March 25 and 26, in Zone 4 (Edmundston region). Test results from both days resulted in three laboratory confirmed cases. This is in addition to other cases that have been confirmed with people presenting with symptoms.