A report summarizing historical data on drinking water quality in the province has been released. The report, Drinking Water Quality in My Community, includes data from 70 New Brunswick municipalities from 1994 to 2017.
The report is a comprehensive review of water quality data for every regulated drinking water system that is owned or operated by a local government.
New Brunswick uses a multi-barrier approach to protect drinking water, from source to tap. The provincial government has worked with local governments to protect the sources of their drinking water – whether groundwater wells or surface watersheds – under the Clean Water Act.
In addition, drinking water systems owned and operated by local governments are required to sample their water according to standards in New Brunswick’s Drinking Water Guidelines. As well, there are required operating approvals related to monitoring, operator training and certification, and emergency response.
The report findings for bacteria and chemistry test results highlight that proper water treatment, disinfection, and operations are key to ensuring safe and good-quality drinking water.
Although local governments are already aware of water quality in their communities, this information will help residents understand water quality over the years and how the Department of Environment and Local Government uses test results to ensure safe and reliable drinking water is provided by local governments.